8Ball Games

8Ball Games Limited
Date: August 2016
Deal Size: £30 million
About the client: 8Ball is a leading multi-brand UK online bingo and casino operator with over 60,000 active players across 74 sites. 8Ball’s most prominent brands include including Booty Bingo, WeWantBingo, SuperSpins, and BingowithKerry.
About the transaction: Akur Capital ran an extensive process to identify and deliver a successful exit for shareholders and the most appropriate partner for 8Ball’s management team on a long-term basis.

Jeremy Bygrave, CEO of 8Ball, commented:
“We are delighted to be joining forces with Stride Gaming who we believe are an excellent fit for 8Ball. We are grateful to the Akur team for their advice and guidance throughout the transaction process. From the outset, we have been impressed by Akur’s sector expertise, professionalism and commitment to the deal at every stage.”

Stride Gaming PLC stated that their acquisition of 8Ball:
“…provides scale, expands the Group’s multi-branded offering, adds proven cross marketing business intelligence to achieve low CPA levels and brings expertise in operating multi brands and multi platforms.”

Lead: David Shapton
8Ball Games Limited


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Chris Young…

Chris is focused on listed closed-ended funds, specialising in both equity and debt capital fundraising. He has over 16 years’ experience in both sales and research. With relationships across many of the large institutional investors in the sector, he has worked across IPOs, secondary fundraisings, placings and sales. He began his career in the City as an investment funds analyst at Credit Lyonnais in 1999, and has subsequently held positions at Lazard Panmure Gordon, Arbuthnot Securities, and most recently as a specialist salesman within the investment funds team at Westhouse Securities. He is focused on private and public real estate and REITs, infrastructure and utilities, emerging markets, private equity and alternatives. Tel: +44 (0) 20 3780 8746 Mob: +44 (0) 7471 141 303 Email: cyoung@akur.co.uk